28 سبتمبر 2009

قائمة ل 100 خبير تقني على تويتر

هذه القائمة هي السبب الرئيسي لدخولي عالم تويتر حيث لم اكن اهتم به من قبل.
انا اتابع اكثر من في هذه القائمة وتأتي امور رائعة من قبلهم وان كان اكثره بلا فائدة.
  1. Chris Anderson (@chr1sa) Editor in Chief of Wired and author of The Long Tail
  2. Michael Arrington (@techcrunch) Founder of TechCrunch
  3. John Battelle (@johnbattelle) Author and pundit on Google and Internet search
  4. Veronica Belmont (@veronica) Former CNET TV and Mahalo Daily host
  5. Randall Bennett (@randallb) Founder of TechVi; former CNET TV producer
  6. David Berlind (@dberlind) TechWeb Editor-at-Large
  7. Ryan Block (@ryanblock) Former Engadget editor and co-founder of GDGT
  8. Henry Blodget (@hblodget) Controversial Wall Street journalist who covers tech sector
  9. Danah Boyd (@zephoria) Academic/researcher in new media
  10. Ed Bott (@edbott) Microsoft Windows expert, blogger, book author
  11. Jason Calacanis (@jasoncalacanis) CEO of Mahalo, founder of Weblogs Inc.
  12. Pete Cashmore (@mashable) CEO of Mashable
  13. David Davis (@davidmdavis) Author, blogger, expert on Cisco and virtualization technologies
  14. Chris Dawson (@mrdatahs) ZDNet blogger on technology in education
  15. Natali Del Conte (@natalidelconte) CNET TV host of Loaded and tech correspondent for CBS News
  16. Mrinal Desai (@mrinaldesai) Co-founder of CrossLoop; tech news junkie
  17. Sam Diaz (@sammyd) ZDNet news hound on the Between the Lines blog
  18. Larry Dignan (@ldignan) ZDNet Editor in Chief; prolific tech news blogger
  19. Esther Dyson (@edyson) Veteran technology pundit
  20. Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) Google engineer, blogger
  21. Bill Detwiler (@billdetwiler) TechRepublic’s head technology editor
  22. John C. Dvorak (@therealdvorak) Famously cranky tech pundit
  23. Erik Eckel (@erikeckel) IT consultant and TechRepublic writer
  24. Mike Elgan (@mike_elgan) Widely-published freelance tech writer
  25. Rob Enderle (@enderle) Long-time analyst of the PC industry
  26. Caterina Fake (@caterina) Co-founder of Flickr
  27. Dan Farber (@dbfarber) Editor of CBSNews.com; former editor of CNET and ZDNet
  28. Scot Finnie (@sfinnie) Editor in Chief of Computerworld
  29. Mary Jo Foley (@maryjofoley) One of the world’s top commentators on Microsoft
  30. Ina Fried (@inafried) CNET’s resident Microsoft analyst
  31. John Furrier (@furrier) Silicon Valley entrepreneur; now specializing in mobility
  32. Steve Gillmor (@stevegillmor) Editor of TechCrunch IT, veteran tech journalist
  33. Bob Gourley (@bobgourley) CTOvision.com blogger; government IT expert
  34. John Gruber (@gruber) Author of Daring Fireball blog; covers mostly Apple
  35. Dion Hinchcliffe (@dhinchcliffe) Blogger and consultant on Web 2.0 for business
  36. Chuck Hollis (@chuckhollis) EMC CTO and blogger
  37. Andy Ihnatko (@ihnatko) Apple pundit
  38. Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) Professor and author who covers intersection and tech and media
  39. Mitch Kapor (@mkapor) Lotus, Mozilla pioneer; angel investor
  40. Guy Kawasaki (@guykawasaki) Venture capitalist and former Mac columnist
  41. Michael Krigsman (@mkrigsman) Watchdog of IT project failures
  42. Sarah Lacy (@sarahcuda) Freelance author covering Silicon Valley
  43. Leo Laporte (@leolaporte) Host of TWiT network and former TechTV host
  44. Brian Lam (@blam) Editorial Director of Gizmodo
  45. Nicole Lee (@nicole) CNET editor on cellphones and smartphones
  46. Jennifer Leggio (@mediaphyter) ZDNet blogger on social media for business
  47. Cali Lewis (@calilewis) Host of GeekBrief.TV
  48. Charlene Li (@charleneli) Author and social media thought leader
  49. Jim Louderback (@jlouderb) CEO of Revision3; former editor of PC Magazine
  50. Scott Lowe (@scottdlowe) CIO, author, and TechRepublic columnist
  51. Andrew Mager (@mager) Web developer and ZDNet blogger on Web 2.0
  52. Om Malik (@om) Founder of GigaOm
  53. Amber MacArther (@ambermac) Tech journalist and broadcaster
  54. Richard MacManus (@rww) Editor and founder of ReadWriteWeb
  55. Marissa Mayer (@marissamayer) Google product development executive
  56. Caroline McCarthy (@caro) CNET writer covering Web 2.0
  57. Harry McCracken (@harrymccracken) Founder of Technologizer and former editor of PC World
  58. Tom Merritt (@acedtect) Host of Buzz Out Loud and various CNET TV shows
  59. Walt Mossberg (@waltmossberg) Tech columnist for The Wall Street Journal
  60. Rafe Needleman (@rafe) Editor of CNET’s Webware
  61. Patrick Norton (@patricknorton) Tekzilla host and former TechTV personality
  62. Andrew Nusca (@editorialiste) ZDNet news writer; SmartPlanet.com editor
  63. Tim O’Reilly (@timoreilly) Founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media
  64. Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang) Forrester analyst on new media technologies
  65. Jason Perlow (@jperlow) ZDNet blogger and Linux Magazine writer
  66. Chris Pirillo (@chrispirillo) Tech geek turned Internet personality
  67. Jason Pontin (@jason_pontin) Editor in Chief of MIT Technology Review
  68. David Pogue (@pogue) Tech columnist for New York Times and CNBC
  69. JR Rafael (@jr_raphael) Tech news writer for PC World
  70. Maggie Reardon (@maggie_reardon) CNET reporter on mobile and wireless technology
  71. Don Reisinger (@donreisinger) Gadget columnist for CNET
  72. Gabe Rivera (@gaberivera) Founder of Techmeme
  73. Peter Rojas (@peterrojas) Original creator of both Gizmodo and Engadget
  74. Kevin Rose (@kevinrose) Founder of Digg.com, host of Diggnation
  75. Joshua Schachter (@joshu) Creator of Delicious, a.k.a. del.icio.us
  76. Jack Schofield (@jackschofield) Computer editor at The Guardian
  77. Erick Schonfeld (@erickschonfeld) TechCrunch editor
  78. Robert Scoble (@scobleizer) Tech writer and social media flag-bearer
  79. Sascha Seagan (@saschasegan) Mobile writer for PC Magazine
  80. Doc Searls (@dsearls) Tech journalist, author, open source advocate
  81. Stephen Shankland (@stshank) CNET News reporter, covering Web and search
  82. Deb Shinder (@debshinder) Popular tech tip writer for TechRepublic and other publications
  83. Dwight Silverman (@dsilverman) Technology editor for the Houston Chronicle
  84. Jason Snell (@jsnell) Editorial Director of Macworld
  85. Mark Spoonauer (@mspoonauer) Editor in Chief of LAPTOP
  86. Robert Strohmeyer (@rstrohmeyer) PC World editor and columnist
  87. Kara Swisher (@karaswisher) Silicon Valley blogger for AllThingsD.com
  88. Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) Microsoft Windows columnist, editor, and podcaster
  89. Joshua Topolsky (@joshuatopolsky) Editor in Chief of Engadget
  90. Gina Trapani (@ginatrapani) Founding editor of Lifehacker.com
  91. Lance Ulanoff (@lanceulanoff) Editor in Chief of PC Magazine
  92. Rick Vanover (@rickvanover) Senior IT professional and TechRepublic blogger
  93. Tony Vincent (@tonyvincent) Writer on mobile tech and IT in education
  94. Werner Vogels (@werner) Amazon.com CTO
  95. Jack Wallen (@jlwallen) Linux enthusiast, columnist, and tip writer
  96. Padmasree Warrior (@padmasree) CTO of Cisco Systems
  97. Fred Wilson (@fredwilson) Tech venture capitalist in New York
  98. Alex Wolfe (@awolfe58) Editor in Chief of InformationWeek
  99. Molly Wood (@mollywood) CNET TV host and creator of the famed “Molly rant”
  100. Dave Zatz (@davezatz) Gadget and digital lifestyle blogger