انا اتابع اكثر من في هذه القائمة وتأتي امور رائعة من قبلهم وان كان اكثره بلا فائدة.
- Chris Anderson (@chr1sa) Editor in Chief of Wired and author of The Long Tail
- Michael Arrington (@techcrunch) Founder of TechCrunch
- John Battelle (@johnbattelle) Author and pundit on Google and Internet search
- Veronica Belmont (@veronica) Former CNET TV and Mahalo Daily host
- Randall Bennett (@randallb) Founder of TechVi; former CNET TV producer
- David Berlind (@dberlind) TechWeb Editor-at-Large
- Ryan Block (@ryanblock) Former Engadget editor and co-founder of GDGT
- Henry Blodget (@hblodget) Controversial Wall Street journalist who covers tech sector
- Danah Boyd (@zephoria) Academic/researcher in new media
- Ed Bott (@edbott) Microsoft Windows expert, blogger, book author
- Jason Calacanis (@jasoncalacanis) CEO of Mahalo, founder of Weblogs Inc.
- Pete Cashmore (@mashable) CEO of Mashable
- David Davis (@davidmdavis) Author, blogger, expert on Cisco and virtualization technologies
- Chris Dawson (@mrdatahs) ZDNet blogger on technology in education
- Natali Del Conte (@natalidelconte) CNET TV host of Loaded and tech correspondent for CBS News
- Mrinal Desai (@mrinaldesai) Co-founder of CrossLoop; tech news junkie
- Sam Diaz (@sammyd) ZDNet news hound on the Between the Lines blog
- Larry Dignan (@ldignan) ZDNet Editor in Chief; prolific tech news blogger
- Esther Dyson (@edyson) Veteran technology pundit
- Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) Google engineer, blogger
- Bill Detwiler (@billdetwiler) TechRepublic’s head technology editor
- John C. Dvorak (@therealdvorak) Famously cranky tech pundit
- Erik Eckel (@erikeckel) IT consultant and TechRepublic writer
- Mike Elgan (@mike_elgan) Widely-published freelance tech writer
- Rob Enderle (@enderle) Long-time analyst of the PC industry
- Caterina Fake (@caterina) Co-founder of Flickr
- Dan Farber (@dbfarber) Editor of CBSNews.com; former editor of CNET and ZDNet
- Scot Finnie (@sfinnie) Editor in Chief of Computerworld
- Mary Jo Foley (@maryjofoley) One of the world’s top commentators on Microsoft
- Ina Fried (@inafried) CNET’s resident Microsoft analyst
- John Furrier (@furrier) Silicon Valley entrepreneur; now specializing in mobility
- Steve Gillmor (@stevegillmor) Editor of TechCrunch IT, veteran tech journalist
- Bob Gourley (@bobgourley) CTOvision.com blogger; government IT expert
- John Gruber (@gruber) Author of Daring Fireball blog; covers mostly Apple
- Dion Hinchcliffe (@dhinchcliffe) Blogger and consultant on Web 2.0 for business
- Chuck Hollis (@chuckhollis) EMC CTO and blogger
- Andy Ihnatko (@ihnatko) Apple pundit
- Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) Professor and author who covers intersection and tech and media
- Mitch Kapor (@mkapor) Lotus, Mozilla pioneer; angel investor
- Guy Kawasaki (@guykawasaki) Venture capitalist and former Mac columnist
- Michael Krigsman (@mkrigsman) Watchdog of IT project failures
- Sarah Lacy (@sarahcuda) Freelance author covering Silicon Valley
- Leo Laporte (@leolaporte) Host of TWiT network and former TechTV host
- Brian Lam (@blam) Editorial Director of Gizmodo
- Nicole Lee (@nicole) CNET editor on cellphones and smartphones
- Jennifer Leggio (@mediaphyter) ZDNet blogger on social media for business
- Cali Lewis (@calilewis) Host of GeekBrief.TV
- Charlene Li (@charleneli) Author and social media thought leader
- Jim Louderback (@jlouderb) CEO of Revision3; former editor of PC Magazine
- Scott Lowe (@scottdlowe) CIO, author, and TechRepublic columnist
- Andrew Mager (@mager) Web developer and ZDNet blogger on Web 2.0
- Om Malik (@om) Founder of GigaOm
- Amber MacArther (@ambermac) Tech journalist and broadcaster
- Richard MacManus (@rww) Editor and founder of ReadWriteWeb
- Marissa Mayer (@marissamayer) Google product development executive
- Caroline McCarthy (@caro) CNET writer covering Web 2.0
- Harry McCracken (@harrymccracken) Founder of Technologizer and former editor of PC World
- Tom Merritt (@acedtect) Host of Buzz Out Loud and various CNET TV shows
- Walt Mossberg (@waltmossberg) Tech columnist for The Wall Street Journal
- Rafe Needleman (@rafe) Editor of CNET’s Webware
- Patrick Norton (@patricknorton) Tekzilla host and former TechTV personality
- Andrew Nusca (@editorialiste) ZDNet news writer; SmartPlanet.com editor
- Tim O’Reilly (@timoreilly) Founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media
- Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang) Forrester analyst on new media technologies
- Jason Perlow (@jperlow) ZDNet blogger and Linux Magazine writer
- Chris Pirillo (@chrispirillo) Tech geek turned Internet personality
- Jason Pontin (@jason_pontin) Editor in Chief of MIT Technology Review
- David Pogue (@pogue) Tech columnist for New York Times and CNBC
- JR Rafael (@jr_raphael) Tech news writer for PC World
- Maggie Reardon (@maggie_reardon) CNET reporter on mobile and wireless technology
- Don Reisinger (@donreisinger) Gadget columnist for CNET
- Gabe Rivera (@gaberivera) Founder of Techmeme
- Peter Rojas (@peterrojas) Original creator of both Gizmodo and Engadget
- Kevin Rose (@kevinrose) Founder of Digg.com, host of Diggnation
- Joshua Schachter (@joshu) Creator of Delicious, a.k.a. del.icio.us
- Jack Schofield (@jackschofield) Computer editor at The Guardian
- Erick Schonfeld (@erickschonfeld) TechCrunch editor
- Robert Scoble (@scobleizer) Tech writer and social media flag-bearer
- Sascha Seagan (@saschasegan) Mobile writer for PC Magazine
- Doc Searls (@dsearls) Tech journalist, author, open source advocate
- Stephen Shankland (@stshank) CNET News reporter, covering Web and search
- Deb Shinder (@debshinder) Popular tech tip writer for TechRepublic and other publications
- Dwight Silverman (@dsilverman) Technology editor for the Houston Chronicle
- Jason Snell (@jsnell) Editorial Director of Macworld
- Mark Spoonauer (@mspoonauer) Editor in Chief of LAPTOP
- Robert Strohmeyer (@rstrohmeyer) PC World editor and columnist
- Kara Swisher (@karaswisher) Silicon Valley blogger for AllThingsD.com
- Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) Microsoft Windows columnist, editor, and podcaster
- Joshua Topolsky (@joshuatopolsky) Editor in Chief of Engadget
- Gina Trapani (@ginatrapani) Founding editor of Lifehacker.com
- Lance Ulanoff (@lanceulanoff) Editor in Chief of PC Magazine
- Rick Vanover (@rickvanover) Senior IT professional and TechRepublic blogger
- Tony Vincent (@tonyvincent) Writer on mobile tech and IT in education
- Werner Vogels (@werner) Amazon.com CTO
- Jack Wallen (@jlwallen) Linux enthusiast, columnist, and tip writer
- Padmasree Warrior (@padmasree) CTO of Cisco Systems
- Fred Wilson (@fredwilson) Tech venture capitalist in New York
- Alex Wolfe (@awolfe58) Editor in Chief of InformationWeek
- Molly Wood (@mollywood) CNET TV host and creator of the famed “Molly rant”
- Dave Zatz (@davezatz) Gadget and digital lifestyle blogger